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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Learn Positivity From This Child To Increase Your Happiness Today

      It caught my attention years ago, traveling in 100 degrees heat with a broken air conditioner while stuck in traffic in an Asian city.  I was just trying my best to hold myself together when I looked into the backseat to find 4 very sweaty red faced children.  "Hold on a bit longer guys. I think its breaking up now."  But I knew better.  I sat and listened to the youngest looking out the window talking quietly to himself.  I asked what he was looking at.  "Mom, I love living here," he said.  "This city is so pretty."  I looked out to see what in the world good that he could be seeing on this miserably hot day!  It was piglets piled on the back of a moto.  "Do you think thats pretty?"  "Mom! All baby animals are pretty but only here we can see them in the middle of the road!"  I realized he was right.  Though it was Hot, we had just bought cut and peeled mangos along the road, the views around our car are never boring, and the people smile at us as we drive by.
Not saying its humane, just saying we saw it!
Our goal for 2017? Learn to appreciate what is front of us now.  Learn to be content with what we have and where we are.  Learn to open our eyes constantly to the blessings in front of us each day.
The picture below is a favorite.  It reminds me what my children don't see, IF taught to appreciate the world around them.
Children take in what is around them. They feel the world with all of their senses.  (Sometimes to their detriment.)  But, they also follow my lead.  How many times have I yelled "turn off the devices!" while staring at my own.  I'm learning to enjoy silence.  I'm teaching them to enjoy silence.  I'm learning to be bored without feeling guilty.  I'm teaching them to be bored without complaining.  I'm learning to love all people.  I'm teaching them to love all people.  And, we are all learning to be content wherever we dwell in this world.
"Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices."
-- St. Teresa of Avila

Where are you at on this journey?  Please share with me what it is you are learning now. For my about my journey visit:


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